April 2009 Exports US $ 51.99 million, Imports US $ 4.43 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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April 2009 Exports US $ 51.99 million, Imports US $ 4.43 million

April 2009 Exports US $ 51.99 million, Imports US $ 4.43 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 24, 2017
File Size : 0.13 MB



  •      In April 2009 the export value of Bangka Belitung Islands based on Free On Board (FOB) price reached US $ 51.99 million, with tin exports of US $ 46.96 million and non tin of US $ 5.03 million
  •      In the January-April 2009 period, tin exports to Singapore reached US $ 257.52 million or 90.97 percent of total tin exports, followed by Malaysia US $ 16.75 million (5.92 percent), China US $ 4, 28 million (1.66 percent), Republic of Korea US $ 2.15 million (0.83 percent) and Japan US $ 1.32 million (0.51 percent).
  •      During the period of January-April 2009, the largest non-tin export commodity of Bangka Belitung Islands was oil or animal / vegetable fats of US $ 15.61 million (25.31 percent); Followed by coffee, tea and spices US $ 5.06 million (8.21 percent); Rubber and rubber goods of US $ 3.77 million (6.11 percent); Metal ores and metal scraps of US $ 3.73 million (6.05 percent); Fishery and processed products US $ 2.76 million (4.47 percent) and salt, sulfur, soil and stones US $ 2.02 million (3.28 percent).
  •      Non-tin exports to China cumulatively from January to April 2009 reached the largest figure of US $ 24.04 million or contributed the most with 38.98 percent of total non-tin exports followed by Australia at US $ 10.35 million (16.79 percent ), Vietnam US $ 7.06 million (11.45 percent), India US $ 5.71 million (9.26 percent), Malaysia US $ 5.39 million (8.74 percent), Singapore US $ 3.04 Million (4.93 percent), UAE US $ 1.90 million (3.09 percent) and Japan US $ 1.01 million (1.64 percent). The contribution of the eight countries reached 94.88 percent of total non-tin exports of Bangka Belitung Islands Province.


  •      In April 2009 the import value of Bangka Belitung Islands Province reached US $ 4.43 million or up 538.47 percent compared to March 2009 which amounted to US $ 0.69 million. The increase in import value is due to the rise in imports of both oil and gas and non oil and gas. Oil and gas imports increased 9,743.22 percent from US $ 0.01 million to US $ 1.15 million, while non-oil and gas imports rose 380.71 percent from US $ 0.68 million to US $ 3.28 million.
  •      In terms of contribution to total non-oil and gas imports from January to April 2009, the sea transport category (HS 89) contributed the most with US $ 4.54 million (50.07 percent), followed by boiler and machine (HS 84) of US $ 2.68 million (29.53 percent), iron and steel goods (HS 73) of US $ 0.81 million (8.95 percent), rubber and rubber goods (HS 40) of US $ 0 , US $ 0.31 thousand (3.36 percent), ceramic products (HS 69) of US $ 0.15 million (1.66 percent) ), And various manufactured goods (HS 96) amounted to US $ 32.14 thousand (0.35 percent). The contribution of the seven categories of non-oil and gas goods reached 98.14 percent of total non-oil and gas imports.
  •      In the period of January-April 2009, the five largest suppliers of imported goods were Thailand, China, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia. The imports of Bangka Belitung Islands Province from Thailand during January-April 2009 reached US $ 4.71 million or 42.68 percent of total imports, followed by China with US $ 1.85 million (16.77 percent), Vietnam US $ 1 , 74 million (15.80 percent), Singapore amounting to US $ 1.49 million (13.52 percent) and Malaysia amounting to US $ 0.96 million (8.67 percent). The contribution of these five countries reached 97.44 percent of the total imports of Bangka Belitung Islands Province.
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