Regional Instructor Training for Potential Village Data Collection (PODES) Year 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Regional Instructor Training for Potential Village Data Collection (PODES) Year 2024

Regional Instructor Training for Potential Village Data Collection (PODES) Year 2024

April 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Pusdiklat, in collaboration with the Directorate of Social Security Statistics of BPS RI, organized an online Regional Instructor Training for the 2024 Village Potential Data Collection (Inda Podes 2024).
The training was attended by 2 (two) National Instructors, 20 Regional Instructors from West Sumatra and 7 Regional Instructors from Bangka Belitung. 
One of the objectives of the Podes data collection is to provide data that can support the planning of the 2026 Economic Census activities.

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