September 4, 2023 | BPS Activities
Regional Technical Meeting for Implementing Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in 2023 (PLKUMKM2023)
Sungailiat, 3 September 2023 – The Central Bureau of Statistics for the Bangka Belitung Islands Province is holding a Regional Technical Meeting for Implementation of Complete Data Collection of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in 2023 (PLKUMKM2023) in order to support the National Priority Program of the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, namely development of the KUMKM Single Database through PL-KUMKM2023 which will be held on 4-5 September 2023.
The Regional Technical Meeting (Ratekda) was attended by the Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Indonesia, the Regent of Bangka Regency, Plt. Head of the Office of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Plt. Head of Investment Service, One Stop Licensing Service, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises of Bangka Regency, Head of Labor, Industry and Trade Office of Bangka Regency, Head of BPS Bangka, South Bangka, West Bangka, Belitung and East Belitung Regencies, Functional Officer Associate experts in the BPS environment, and other participants directly involved in the PLKUMKM2023 process.
BPS continues to strive to provide quality data that can be used as a basis for the government in planning and evaluating development, one of which is through this Ratekda activity.
"Given the dynamic characteristics and existence of cooperatives and MSMEs, the existence of KUMKM has a major impact on economic growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. It is this urgency that drives the implementation of the Ratekda in order to unite perceptions and understanding among parties related to the implementation of PL-KUMKM2023." Said the Head of Provincial BPS, Toto H. Silitonga.
Through this activity it is hoped that the output will be in the form of an implementation strategy and risk mitigation of problems that may arise during the implementation of PL-KUMKM2023.
Taking place for 2 (two) effective days, the series of Ratekda activities will begin with an Opening ceremony, namely a Welcome Speech by the Head of the Provincial BPS, Keynote Speech by the Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of the Republic of Indonesia BPS, and followed by remarks by the Regent of Bangka who at the same time officially opens the activities Ratekda.
Pudji Ismartini, as the Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, revealed that 99% of all business units in Indonesia are the MSME sector.
"The MSME sector plays a major role in Indonesia's economic growth. When the country's economy is disrupted due to a crisis, MSMEs actually play a very important role in stabilizing this condition. We can call MSMEs the Critical Engine of the national economy. Given the importance of this sector, the development of the KUMKM Single Database is very crucial.”
Meanwhile, the Regent of Bangka, H. Mulkan, stated that not a few from the business world, especially the MSME sector, were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The role of the government is needed through policy interventions to help revive this business sector.
"In making this policy, macro and micro data on Cooperatives and UMKM by name by address is needed, so that this Complete Data Collection on Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (PL-KUMKM) is carried out. Through this data collection, it is hoped that an accurate and comprehensive Single Data Base for KUMKM in Indonesia will be created.”
Carrying the theme "Strengthening National Statistical Collaboration for Quality Development", BPS together with KemenkopUKM collaborated according to the mandate of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to provide a KUMKM database by carrying out a complete data collection of cooperatives and micro, small and medium enterprises in almost all regions of the Republic of Indonesia.
In the Bangka Belitung Islands Province itself, a complete data collection of KUMKM will be carried out in 5 districts, except for Central Bangka Regency and Pangkalpinang City which will be carried out in 2022 for sedentary businesses. Meanwhile, non-permanent businesses will be implemented in 2024 in the two regencies/cities.
Furthermore, the Ratekda participants will receive material presentations by several speakers regarding the Planning and Implementation Strategy of PL-KUMKM2023, the Role of the Office of Cooperatives and UMKM in collecting PL-KUMKM2023 data, PL-KUMKM2023 Quality Gates, the Role of BPS in Escorting KUMKM Data through Strict Administrative Escorts, and several other technical materials.
Apart from that, uniform understanding of the parties involved in the implementation of PL-KUMKM2023 will also be further refined through open discussions and commission hearings as well as joint evaluations so that the parties involved in this activity have high enthusiasm and commitment to make the PL-KUMKM2023 activity a success.
"The active participation of all related parties will certainly increase the real role of all of us in supporting Indonesia's development through a series of PL-KUMKM2023 activities." close H. Mulkan
BPS Provincial Office of Bangka Belitung Islands
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