April 2015 Bangka Belitung Exports Reach US $ 86.37 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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April 2015 Bangka Belitung Exports Reach US $ 86.37 million

April 2015 Bangka Belitung Exports Reach US $ 86.37 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 15, 2015
File Size : 0.98 MB


EXPORT Bangka Belitung Islands


  • The export value of Bangka Belitung in April 2015 amounted to US $ 86.37 million, a significant increase of 0.72 percent compared to the value of exports in March 2015 amounted to US $ 85.76 million. Total exports are divided on tin exports amounted to US $ 77.34 million and nontimah of US $ 9.03 million.
  • Tin is the largest export which contribute 84.99 per cent of total exports of Bangka Belitung Islands. The main export destinations are Singapore tin April 2015, which reached US $ 54.25 million or 70.15 percent of the total tin exports, followed by Taiwan US $ 6.65 million (8.60 percent), Netherlands US $ 5.31 million (6.86 percent ), India US $ 4.93 million (6.37 percent), and South Korea US $ 1.53 million (1.98 percent).
  • main commodity largest contributor to exports nontimah Bangka Belitung Islands in January-April 2015 based on code Harmonized System (HS) 2 digits are a class of oil or animal fat and vegetable amounting to US $ 42.1 million contribute 67.92 per cent of the total exports nontimah , followed by class coffee, tea and spices US $ 15.6 million (25.15 percent); fish and processed fish US $ 2.2 million (3.61 percent); various chemical products of US $ 1.0 million (1.62 percent). And most recently the group residue / rest of the food industry US $ 0.7 million (1.20 percent).
  • nontimah Exports during the month of April 2015 to the Netherlands amounted to US $ 3.2 million, with the largest export commodity is crude palm oil. In the second position is occupied by the Malaysian states reached a value of US $ 2.4 million, with the largest export commodity, namely crude palm oil as well as fish and processed fish. Followed by Vietnam US $ 1.7 million with commodities white pepper and Singapore US $ 0.8 million with the same commodities. Meanwhile, in April 2015, no exports to Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.

IMPORT Bangka Belitung Islands


  • Import Value Bangka Belitung in April 2015 was recorded at US $ 1.53 million, increased dramatically to 465.26 percent over the month of March 2015 amounted to only US $ 0.27 million.
  • Up to January - April 2015 that have the largest import value is the class of machines / mechanic (HS 84) of US $ 3.68 million, contributed 51.52 percent to the total import of Bangka Belitung Province. Followed by ships and floating structures (HS 89) of US $ 2.92 million (40.84 per cent), fertilizers (HS 31) US $ 0.17 million (2.42 percent), objects of iron and steel (HS 73) US $ 0.15 million (2.15 percent) as well as two other groups are fairly small amount but act respectively 1.02 and 0.57 percent.
  • When compared with the month of March 2015, it saw an increase in total imports from five major countries up to 461.72 percent. The largest increase is from Singapore, namely from none in the previous month to US $ 1.20 million. Malaysia followed by 138.39 percent from US $ 0.13 million to US $ 0.30 million. And China have declined by 82.20 percent to US $ 0.02 million. While Thailand and the Netherlands in no activity both oil and non-oil imports.
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