HAPPINESS INDEX Bangka Belitung Islands 2014 68.45 OF THE SCALE 0-100 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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HAPPINESS INDEX Bangka Belitung Islands 2014 68.45 OF THE SCALE 0-100

HAPPINESS INDEX Bangka Belitung Islands 2014 68.45 OF THE SCALE 0-100Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 5, 2015
File Size : 0.38 MB


Happiness Index Bangka Belitung Province in 2014 amounted to 68.45 on a scale of 0 - 100. The happiness index Bangka Belitung is the average of the indices that are owned by each individual in Bangka Belitung Province in 2014. The higher the index value indicates the level of the happier life, and vice versa, the lower the index value, the population increasingly unhappy.
þ IndeksKebahagiaan is a composite index compiled by the level of satisfaction on 10 aspects of life are essential. The ten aspects are substantially and together reflect the level of happiness that includes satisfaction with:
1) health,
2) education,
3) work,
4) household income,
5) family harmony,
6) the availability of free time,
7) social relations,
8) the condition of the house and assets,
9) the state of the environment, and
10) security conditions.
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