Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026)

Internalization of the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026)

January 15, 2025 | BPS Activities

BPS of the Province of Kep. Babel held an online activity attended by all BPS employees throughout Babel. The Head of BPS of Kep. Babel Province conveyed the importance of SE2026 in supporting the business world and national economic development.
  • SE2026 is an effort to collect accurate and complete economic data to provide a basis for development policies and planning. Innovations such as multimodal data collection and utilization of administrative data will be implemented. Strengthening collaboration is the key to the success of SE2026.
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