National Statistics Day 2023 Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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National Statistics Day 2023 Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia

National Statistics Day 2023 Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia

September 26, 2023 | BPS Activities

National Statistics Day (HSN) is celebrated every September 26. HSN is the right momentum to further foster awareness of the importance of statistics in every aspect of life. National Statistics Day is not the birthday of the Central Bureau of Statistics. However, National Statistics Day belongs to the whole nation. For all statisticians in Indonesia, HSN is also a momentum to continue to encourage the spirit of contributing to the nation and state through the provision and development of statistics.

History of National Statistics Day

The history of National Statistics Day began in February 1920, when the Dutch East Indies Government established the Director of Agriculture, Crafts and Trade (Directeur Van Landbouw Nijverheld en Handel) in Bogor. The institution was tasked with processing and publishing statistical data. In September 1924, statistical activities moved to Batavia, then the institution changed its name to Centraal Kantoor Voor De Statistiek (CKS).

On September 26, 1960, the Government passed Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning Statistics as a replacement for the Statistiek Ordonnantie 1934. The law regulates in detail the implementation of statistics and the organization of the Central Bureau of Statistics. In August 1996, the President of Indonesia set the date of the enactment of Law Number 7 of 1960 concerning Statistics as "National Statistics Day". The date is considered the point of independence of statistics from the rules of the colonial legislation system. Then, the Indonesian Government enacted Law No. 16 of 1997 on Statistics, as a replacement for Laws No. 6 and 7 of 1960.

National Statistics Day 2023

The commemoration of HSN 2023 carries the theme "Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia". This theme illustrates the importance of quality statistics in determining the direction of Indonesia's development, especially in realizing the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045.

As a data provider institution in Indonesia, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) certainly makes National Statistics Day to strengthen its role as a provider of quality statistics as well as a statistical data coach. "As the national statistics office, BPS is proud to be a provider of statistical data for the community and government, and is committed to continuing to increase its role and contribution to statistics in the country. As the government's decision support, BPS strives to continue to produce data that is increasingly qualified, diverse, and useful, in line with national development priorities, especially in achieving the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision," said Acting Head of BPS, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti.

In line with this, Amalia also said that as a statistical data supervisor, BPS will continue to improve its capacity and capability as the dirigen of statistical data governance so that the State Official Statistics produced by both BPS and ministries / agencies and local governments continue to improve their quality and integration.

Happy National Statistics Day 2023, Let's join hands, shoulder to shoulder we realize quality statistics for advanced Indonesia.

- Public Relations of the Central Bureau of Statistics

Translated with DeepL

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