Following up on the request for an explanation of the SIRSAK application from the East Nusa Tenggara Province BPS and the Bengkulu Province BPS, BPS for the Bangka Belitung Islands Province delivered an explanation of one of its innovations, namely SIRSAK. The Budget and Activity Realization Information System (SIRSAK) is a web-based application that is used to monitor budget realization and performance achievements. In addition, this application can also be used to revise POK.
This socialization was held virtually on Friday (26/3). The Head of Regency / City BPS in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province also participated in this event. The event was opened with remarks from the Head of BPS for Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Dwi Retno Wilujeng Wahyu Utami, S.Si, M.Si. In her remarks, Mrs. Dwi Retno hopes that SIRSAK can become a system that integrates budgets and activities and becomes more transparent, accountable and efficient.
Head of East Nusa Tenggara Province BPS, Darwis Sitorus, S.Si. M.Si also participated in this event. He said that SIRSAK is an interesting innovation that can be implemented in East Nusa Tenggara. In addition, he also hopes that this coordination can be used to share knowledge, especially in achieving WBK / WBBM.
With innovation, governance can be implemented effectively and efficiently so as to produce better public services and free of corruption. Hopefully the collaboration and cooperation with other provincial BPS satker can be tightly established, in order to build a better Bureaucratic Reform and Integrity Zone.