Audience of Kepala BPS Babel to OJK Babel - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Audience of Kepala BPS Babel to OJK Babel

Audience of Kepala BPS Babel to OJK Babel

February 28, 2025 | BPS Activities

The Head of BPS of Bangka Belitung Province held an audience with OJK of Bangka Belitung Province as the first step in preparing for the 2026 Economic Census.
This visit aims to establish collaboration and coordination in supporting the implementation of the census. BPS Babel also submitted requests related to the collection of business directories in the financial services sector, issuance of circulars, and participation in socialization. It is hoped that this cooperation can help smooth the census process and improve the accuracy of economic data.
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