The Commemoration of National Statistics Day, 2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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The Commemoration of National Statistics Day, 2016

The Commemoration of National Statistics Day, 2016

September 27, 2016 | Other Activities

On September 26, the entire statistical instant in Indonesia, especially employees of BPS, simultaneously commemorate the Day of National Statistics (HSN). The Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province certainly do not want to miss the commemoration of this historic day .
HSN commemorative events in 2016 which has the theme "Kerja Nyata dengan Data" starts with a morning assembly, followed by all employees of BPS Province of Bangka Belitung, promptly at 8 am in the office yard. Assembly took place solemnly. Head of Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province, Darwis Sitorus, who on this occasion acted as the assembly advisor, re-emphasized the important role of CPM in supporting the spirit of the government and the entire people of Indonesia to work and bring this nation to a better direction.
After the assembly, HSN commemorative events were followed by a seminar on "Harmonisation and Integration of Statistics for Development Planning" which was attended by representatives SKPDs in the Bangka Belitung Province government and other related parties. This event in addition to educate the public about the activities conducted by BPS statistics, as well as part of the coordination of activities 'One Dta' that will be implemented in the province of Bangka Belitung. HSN commemorative events in Bangka Belitung Province BPS is then closed with the implementation of the blood donation followed by employees of Statistics of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province.
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