In 2022, the rice harvest area is estimated at 15.11 thousand hectares with a production of around 61.43 thousand tonnes of MDG. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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In 2022, the rice harvest area is estimated at 15.11 thousand hectares with a production of around 61.43 thousand tonnes of MDG.

Release Date : March 1, 2023
File Size : 7.04 MB


The rice harvest area in 2022 is estimated at 15,108 hectares, a decrease of 3,170 hectares or 17.34 per cent compared to the rice harvest area in 2021 which was 18,278 hectares.
  • Rice production in 2022 is estimated at 61,425 tonnes of MDG, a decrease of 9,071 tonnes of MDG or 12.87 per cent compared to rice production in 2021 which was around 70,496 tonnes of MDG.
  • Rice production in 2022 for food consumption by the population is estimated at 36,409 tonnes, a decrease of 5,376 tonnes or 12.87 per cent compared to rice production in 2021 of 41,785 tonnes.

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