September 2019, Percentage of Poor People of Bangka Belitung 4.50% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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September 2019, Percentage of Poor People of Bangka Belitung 4.50%

Release Date : January 15, 2020
File Size : 0.5 MB


In September, the percentage of poor people (residents with per capita expenditure per month below the Poverty Line) in the Bangka Belitung Islands reached 4.50 percent, down by 0.12 percentage points compared to March 2019 which was 4.62 percent.
  • The percentage of poor people in urban areas in March 2019 by 2.85 percent rose to 2.98 percent in September 2019. While the percentage of poor people in rural areas in March 2019 was 6.79 percent decreased to 6.38 percent in September 2019.
  • During the March 2019-September 2019 period, the number of poor people in urban areas rose by 1.31 thousand people (from 23.31 thousand in March 2019 to 24.62 thousand in September 2019), while in rural areas it fell by 2, 32 thousand people (from 45.07 thousand people in March 2019 to 42.75 thousand people in September 2019).
  • The role of food commodities towards the Poverty Line is far greater than the role of non-food commodities (housing, clothing, education, and health). The contribution of the Food Poverty Line to the Poverty Line in September 2019 was recorded at 72.92 percent. This condition is not much different from the condition in March 2019 recorded at 72.70 percent.
  • The types of food commodities that have a big influence on the value of the Poverty Line in urban and rural areas are rice, filter clove cigarettes, broiler chicken meat, cakes, broiler eggs, and instant noodles. Meanwhile, for non-food commodities, the biggest influence is the cost of housing, gasoline, electricity, and education.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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