Fourth Quarter 2018, Consumen Tendency Index 104.08 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Fourth Quarter 2018, Consumen Tendency Index 104.08

Release Date : February 6, 2019
File Size : 0.32 MB


  • The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of the Bangka Belitung Islands in Quarter IV-2018 amounted to 104.08. This means, consumers are optimistic about economic conditions in quarter IV-2018 compared to quarter III-2018.

  • Consumer optimism in Quarter IV-2018 was influenced by three ITK forming variables, namely the Consumption Volume Index (111.03), the Current Income Index (100.04), and the Inflation Inflation Index on the level of consumption (106,19).

  • The ITK value of the Bangka Belitung Islands in Quarter I-2019 is estimated at 99.17. Consumers tend to be pessimistic about the economic conditions in the coming quarter.

  • The Upcoming Income Index is estimated to reach 106.74. Consumers are optimistic that their income in the first quarter of 2019 will be better than in quarter IV-2018. Even so, consumers have no plans to purchase durable, recreational or party / celebration items. Long-term, recreational and party / celebration goods purchase plan value is below 100, which is 85.91.
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