May 2016, Exports Down 36.01% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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May 2016, Exports Down 36.01%

May 2016, Exports Down 36.01%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2016
File Size : 0.34 MB


  • The export value of Bangka Belitung Province in May 2016 amounted to US $ 70.7 million, decreased significantly by 36.01 percent over the export value in April 2016, which reached US $ 110.48 million. Total exports are divided on tin exports amounted to US $ 58.28 million and nontimah of US $ 12.42 million.
  • Tin is the largest export which contribute 81.51 per cent of the total exports of the Province of Bangka Belitung. The main objective of tin exports from January to May, 2016 were Singapore, which reached US $ 154.86 million or 57.15 percent of the total exports of tin, followed by the Netherlands US $ 27.27 million (10.06 per cent), India US $ 24.04 million (8, 87 percent), Taiwan US $ 19.07 million (7.04 percent), and USA US $ 12.81 million (4.73 percent).
  • The main commodity largest contributor to exports nontimah Bangka Belitung Islands in January - May 2016 based on the code of the Harmonized System (HS) 2 digits is a group of oils or fats of animal and vegetable in the amount of US $ 42.1 million contribute 68.56 percent to the total export nontimah, followed by groups of coffee, tea and spices US $ 11.0 million (17.93 percent); fish and processed fish and rubber and rubber products were US $ 2.3 million (instrumental 3.79 and 3.78 percent); and various chemical products US $ 2.1 million (3.48 percent).
  • Exports during the month of May 2016 nontimah to Pakistan to US $ 5.6 million, with the largest export commodity is crude palm oil. In the second position is occupied by the Dutch state, which totaled US $ 3.4 million, with the largest export commodity same. Followed by Japan with US $ 0.9 million; China's US $ 0.8 million; Malaysia US $ 0.3 million and Singapore US $ 0.2 million. Meanwhile, in May 2016, no exports to Korea.
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