April 2016, Farmer Go up 1.76% - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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April 2016, Farmer Go up 1.76%

April 2016, Farmer Go up 1.76%Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 2, 2016
File Size : 1.12 MB


  • NTP In April, the Provincial NTP (NTP Prov) commonly recorded at 103.65 or an increase of 1.76 percent over the previous month to reach 101.85. The increase due to the NTP Accepted Price Index Farmer (It) which increased by 0.48 percent greater than the decline Prices Paid Index Farmer (Ib) of 1.27 percent.
  • NTP each subsector recorded for Food Crops Sub-sector (NTP-P) amounted to 97.00; Sub sectors of Horticulture (NTP-H) of 100.95; Crops sub-sector of the People (NTP-R) amounted to 107.66; Livestock sub-sector (NTP-T) was 91.52; Sub sectors of Fisheries (NTN-P) amounted to 105.18 with a group of Capture Fisheries (NTN) of 106.72 and a group of Aquaculture (NTPi) of 94.81.
  • In April 2016, deflation in rural areas in Bangka Belitung Province by 1.34 percent due to the fall of the few household consumption group indices, namely foodstuffs, housing, education, recreation and sports, as well as communications and transport.
  • Exchange Enterprises Household Agriculture (NTUP) Bangka Belitung Province April 2016 amounted to 109.96, up by 1.27 percent over the previous month to reach NTUP 108.58.
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