Rice production is Estimated Up to 18.78% in 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Rice production is Estimated Up to 18.78% in 2015

Rice production is Estimated Up to 18.78% in 2015Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2015
File Size : 0.49 MB


  •  Production of rice (paddy rice and paddy fields) 2014 (Figures Remain) of 23 481 tons of dry unhusked rice (GKG), or a decrease of 4,999 tons of GKG (17.55 percent) compared to the year 2013.
  • The decline in rice production amounted to 4,999 tonnes (17.55 percent) in 2014 occurred in subround Jan-Apr of 8472 tonnes (34.48 percent), whereas in the May-Aug subround and subround September to December increased production respectively by 3443 ton (176.47 per cent) and 30 tons (1.53 percent) compared to the same subround previous year.
  •  The production of corn in 2014 (Figures Remain) of 721 tons of dry seed or down by 62 tons (7.92 percent) compared to the year 2013.
  • peanut production in 2014 (Fixed figures) amounted to 224 tons of dry beans or down by 133 tonnes (37.25 percent) than in 2013.



  • Production of rice (paddy rice and paddy fields) 2015 (Forecast Figures I) is estimated at 27 890 tonnes of paddy at the rate of productivity 22.34 quintal per hectare and harvested area estimate of approximately 12 484 hectares of rice.
  • Maize production in 2015 is estimated at 828 tonnes (up 14.84 percent) of dry corn with the productivity level of 34.36 quintal per hectare and harvested area estimate of about 241 acres of corn.
  • peanut production in 2015 is estimated at 219 tonnes (down 2.23 percent) peanuts dry seeds with the level of productivity of 10.00 quintals per hectare and harvested area estimate of 219 hectares.
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