Amerta 62 Webinar: Life After College - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Amerta 62 Webinar: Life After College

Amerta 62 Webinar: Life After College

September 14, 2024 | Other Activities

Insan Statistik Teladan (IST) Nasional 2023, Livio Mayesta, who is also an employee of BPS Kep. Babel Province was a resource person in the Amerta 62: Life After College Webinar organized by Amerta Polstat STIS Batch 62.
  • This activity is designed to help Polstat graduates understand the challenges of job placement, effective strategies in managing careers and finances from the start. It is hoped that participants can prepare themselves to face the realities of the world of work.
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