Training for UMK Food and Beverage Providing Business Survey Officers (VREST) ​​in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Training for UMK Food and Beverage Providing Business Survey Officers (VREST) ​​in 2024

Training for UMK Food and Beverage Providing Business Survey Officers (VREST) ​​in 2024

May 3, 2024 | Other Activities

  • In order to collect data from the 2024 MSEs Food and Beverage Provision Business Survey (VREST), BPS Kep Province. Bangka Belitung held the 2024 UMK Food and Beverage Providing Business Survey Officer Training (VREST) ​​which was opened by the Head of BPS Kep Province. Bangka Belitung online.
  • He said to pay attention to time efficiency in various stages of VREST 2024 data collection activities so that they can be completed according to the predetermined schedule.
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