Training on Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics Year 2024 Phase 2 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Training on Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics Year 2024 Phase 2

Training on Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics Year 2024 Phase 2

April 3, 2024 | Other Activities

EPPS training was held using the Distance Training method through zoom meetings for 3 effective days.
The training participants who came from BPS Kep. Babel Province were 17 people, besides that there were also participants from BPS Kep. Riau Province as many as 16 people, BPS Lampung Province as many as 1 person and also representatives from the Inspectorate as many as 1 person.
Acting as manager and facilitator in this class is from BPS Prov. Babel.
This training was delivered related to the implementation of EPSS in 2024 starting from the procedures for assessing each domain, preparing recommendation letters to using the assessment application.
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