Preparatory Meeting for Preparatiin of Priority Data List for 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Preparatory Meeting for Preparatiin of Priority Data List for 2023

Preparatory Meeting for Preparatiin of Priority Data List for 2023

August 31, 2023 | Other Activities

Preparatory Meeting for Preparation of Priority Data List for 2023

"We hope that data guardians can provide data that is in accordance with priority data and applicable rules."

This bold statement was conveyed by Okta at the Preparatory Meeting for Preparing the 2023 Priority Data List in the presence of Bappeda and Diskominfo. This activity aims to harmonize Indonesian data that supports the SDG Indicators. "Once we know who can meet existing data needs, we can sort out which ones will be priority data. This morning, let's compile a data list, because that is our urgency now," added Aja Nasrun, continuing Okta's statement.

With the presence of this activity, hopefully we can filter the data that the Babel provincial government really needs. Hopefully this activity will be the forerunner to the next forum, namely the preparation of a data list. With comprehensive identification, OPDs can see the need for priority data that can be supplied by BPS or in fact the data is already available in their respective OPDs but has not been tabulated properly.

Finally, priority data needs become our collective homework. Sorting data on the SDI portal is not an easy matter. There are around 150 long series of data that need to be studied, selected and compiled as a priority list of data to support our RPJMD. Because at the end of the day, the ultimate goal of collecting the data is to provide a basis for action or recommendation. W. Edward Edwing.

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