Bangka Belitung Province Hosts Regional PDRB-ISE in the Sumatra Region in 2023. - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Bangka Belitung Province Hosts Regional PDRB-ISE in the Sumatra Region in 2023.

Bangka Belitung Province Hosts  Regional  PDRB-ISE in the Sumatra Region in 2023.

August 7, 2023 | BPS Activities

The Province of Bangka Belitung Islands was appointed as the host of the Regional Consultation of Gross Regional Domestic Products and Socio-Economic Indicators (Konreg PDRB-ISE) in the Sumatra Region in 2023 based on the Iskandar Muda Mufakat at the Konreg PDRB-ISE in Aceh on December 6-8, 2022. 

The activity, which is held periodically every year, will be held for three days, namely August 9-11, 2023 at BW Suite Belitung Hotel. With the theme: "Strengthening the Sumatra Economic Corridor Towards Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation", Konreg PDRB-ISE will be opened directly by the Acting (Pj.) Governor of Bangka Belitung Islands, Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu, and presents a number of national speakers, as well as planner policy makers and data providers including: M. Habibullah, Deputy for Production Statistics of the Central Statistics Agency; Moh. Edy Mahmud, Deputy for Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of the Central Statistics Agency; Puji Agus Kurniawan, Director of Production Balance of the Central Statistics Agency; and IGP Wira Kusuma, Head of Bank Indonesia Representative of North Sumatra Province - Coordinator of Bank Indonesia Sumatra Region.

This activity is a collaboration of the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Government, represented by the Regional Development Planning and Research Agency and the Communication and Information Office, as well as the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Statistics Agency, the Bangka Belitung Islands Provincial Representative Office of Bank Indonesia, and the Bangka Belitung Provincial Representative Office of the Directorate General of Treasury. 

The purpose of organizing Konreg PDRB-ISE in the Sumatra Region in 2023 is to be able to jointly optimize the potential in each province and develop its economy in order to support development in the Sumatra region and nationally.

For this reason, this Konreg PDRB-ISE will discuss the current condition of the Sumatra regional economy, as well as equalize perceptions and understanding in the use of PDRB data and socio-economic indicators that will be used as evaluation and regional planning materials to accelerate regional development on the island of Sumatra, which in general has begun to rise from the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

The agenda of the Konreg PDRB-ISE activity will begin with a High Level Meeting (HLM) in the context of drafting a joint agreement and recommendation, which will be agreed upon and signed on the last day of the Konreg PDRB-ISE implementation in order to accelerate the socio-economic recovery process in the Sumatra region.

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