Supervision Collaborative Between Statistic Distribution Province and Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Supervision Collaborative Between Statistic Distribution Province and Regency

Supervision Collaborative Between Statistic Distribution Province and Regency

June 13, 2022 | BPS Activities

SKU data entry in Central Bangka faltered in one sample. After being investigated in the field with district colleagues, it turned out that there was miscommunication and directions for filling out documents in the internal administration. Investigate, the disposition did not reach the subordinates, so the documents had been lying on one of the leadership desks for a month, piled up with other files. The importance of the role of supervision from province to region as carried out by the Ninja 1900 team can solve the problem. Go straight to the root of the problem by bringing the red plate attribute, making respondents reluctant not to answer.

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