Pengumuman Lelang Alat Bantu Uji Tumbuh - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Pengumuman Lelang Alat Bantu Uji Tumbuh

Pengumuman Lelang Alat Bantu Uji Tumbuh

January 30, 2020 | Other Activities

Based on the Letter of the Office of the Office of State Assets and Auction Services (KPKNL) No. S-64 / WKN.04 / KNL / 2020 dated January 17, 2020 Regarding the approval in BMN auction other than Tanan and / or Buildings in BPS of Bangka Belitung Islands Province by Pangkalpinang KPKNL will auction State-owned goods as follows in the attachment to the auction announcement
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