December 11, 2019 | BPS Activities
Moderated by the Head of Administration, Mr, Ir. Reflin Arda, M.Si, at the beginning opened that the essence of optimal public services is that we need to pay attention to the applicable regulations in order to avoid disruption.
The material entitled "Changes in Mindset Shaping Anti Corruption Law Culture in the Context of Development of WBK and WBBM Integrity Zones" was delivered by Mrs. Wika Hawasara, SH who served as Head of Civil and Administrative Section of the Belitung Kejari Belitung State
Wika said that other people looked at the prosecutor's office first who came that there must be a problem or something. But now the Prosecutor's Office has changed. The Office has taken precautions; socialization, legal services, assisting and making changes. Are serving the community using the human side.
Among the activities carried out by the implementation
is to change the mindset such as; in each apple memorizing institutional values,
reading prayers, there is work culture information and displaying photographs
of positive values that motivate activities in the office building. As well
as a consistent reward and punishment system. This achievement is not
short-lived, but it has been done for a long time and continuously.
On this occasion, Wika conveyed her gratitude to BPS, especially BPS Belitung Regency has given a lot of inclusion in increasing WBK and WBBM offices in the implementation of the 2019 SHPRB. BPS was also reminded to pay attention to official letters signed. Because this is evidence of inspection.
At the end of the pack Reflin Arda delivered; "Avoid Corruption, If You Must Be Trapped"
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