Evaluation Projection Pendududk Results SUPAS 2015 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Evaluation Projection Pendududk Results SUPAS 2015

Evaluation Projection Pendududk Results SUPAS 2015

November 9, 2017 | BPS Activities

"What is the difference in projection by estimation?" The question was submitted by the Head of Social Statistics BPS Bangka Belitung Islands Province Tutty Amalia when initiated Evaluation Proudion Pendududk Results SUPAS 2015 on this day.

    The event was attended by all BPS staff of Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Head of Regency / Municipal BPS, along with representatives of staff / staff from BPS Kabupaten / Kota.

    In the event, various materials related to the projection of the population, including a glimpse of the stages in projection and population problems in Bangka Belitung Islands.

    With the holding of these activities are expected BPS employees can be more familiar and loving data.
    #GuestsCataData #Projects Population
    yosefpriyantoPas release, fit required for college assignment
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