Early exposure Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kep. Bangka Belitung Province

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Early exposure Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey

Early exposure Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey

November 3, 2015 | BPS Activities

Reform of the bureaucracy is one of the first steps to make the arrangement of the system of good governance, effective and efficient, so as to serve the public quickly, accurately, and professionally.

Quality of services provided by the BPS should be evaluated regularly and continuously so that BPS can carry out the task and its role in improving the quality of statistics.

In 2005, BPS organizes Needs Survey Data (SKD), which is designed to identify the availability and suitability of the data and user satisfaction data against BPS services. Implementation of these activities continued in 2008 to 2015. In addition, in order to assess public perception of the quality of service and the public perception of anti-corruption in the BPS requires Consumer Satisfaction Survey (SKK) conducted by external parties to ensure the independence BPS survey results.

Assessment of the quality of service is based on Circular Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN-RB) 4 / M.PAN-RB / 03/2012 on the Implementation of Public Satisfaction Index Survey (SMEs) in the entire Public Service while the Unit Operator, preparation of customer satisfaction index in accordance with Permenpan-RB No. 16 Year 2014 on Guidelines for Public Satisfaction Survey on Public Service. For assessment of anti-corruption perception is based on Presidential Decree 55 of 2012 on the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption (Nastra KDP).

Tuesday, November 3, 2015, Sucofindo Consulting presents the results of Customer Satisfaction Survey (SKK). SKK is a survey conducted to obtain an objective picture of the quality of data and BPS services as well as the public perception of anti-corruption behavior in BPS. The objectives of the Customer Satisfaction Survey is to provide an overview and analysis of the segmentation of data users, the data-quality and level of satisfaction as well as recommendations on:

a. The type and quality of data and statistical information;
b. Variable services need to be improved;
c. Anti-corruption needs to be improved
d. Follow-up action on the results of the survey
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